Thursday, December 26, 2013

Do Not Typify Seniors of Society

Do Not Typify Seniors of Society

Dr. PS Malik

आमतौर से समाज में बुज़र्गों को बकबक-मशीन, सठियाया हुआ, भड़कने वाला या परिवार का ध्यान ना रखने वाला जैसे नाम दे दिये जाते हैं। अपने होम्योपैथिक शोध के दौरान मैंने पाया कि यह उन बुज़ुर्ग का दोष नहीं है। इसे होम्योपैथी के द्वारा बिना किसी कठिन परिश्रम के बहुत आसानी से किया जा सकता है। प्रस्तुत लेख में ऐसा ही विस्तृत विवरण है।

In daily experience it is seen that people in families and society are typified. Mr. X is a hysteric, he starts exploding over trifles. Mr. Y is loquacious; he stops all and grab their topic; starts lecturing but keeps changing the topic rapidly. Mr. Z has become childish; he is allured for everything like children; never satiates; always demands eatables. And so on so forth.

During the course of my studies in homeopathy I have observed that these are the deductions drawn in a family, a society or a community. Then I tried to obtain a data for such people and find a remedy (certainly Homeopathic) for such people. After their treatment I could observe a lot of change in the habits of such people. I do not claim any final word on this topic because such areas are always developing and are nurtured by forthcoming studies.

Reason for such outcome

Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicines. It does not consider a person and his ailment as two opposite things in one organism; nor does it consider an ailment as an attack from some external pathogen. In homeopathy all ailments are just extension of the personality of an individual.

Moreover, there is no disease in homeopathy. What is known as ailment is just a different mode of ‘transient personality’. This transition from the mean position of an organism, what is known as a disease in allopathy, is restored to normalcy with the help of remedies. These remedies do not work on any single part of an organism rather they affect the ‘Wholeness’ of that individual. Take any homeopathic remedy it would act on all parts of the body including the brain, the sensorium and the mind.

The homeopathic remedies work well on the cognitive faculties of an individual and hence change its appreciation of the surroundings. This makes an individual feel happy or sad or elated or nervous in the same set of external atmosphere. Merely by applying right homeopathic remedy you may change the perception of an individual.

Now we discuss a few personality-categorizations prevalent in the society:



  • In old age people start talking a lot; without having regard to the comfort level of others; anything said in their presence is just grabbed by them; they take the topic start talking on it;
  • Any single word in a story may provoke them to give an entire theory on it. They talk even to the annoyance of those who are nearby

But there is again a minute difference:

·       Those whose loquacity is related to varying subjects, and
·       Those whose loquacity is related to religious topics


A few symptoms of such individuals:
·       Whites of eyes yellow
·       Sensitive to sounds ; rushing and thundering in ears.
·       Pus and blood from nose.
·       Soreness of nostrils and lips.
·       Cannot swallow sweet or acrid things.
·       Much phlegm in fauces, with painful hawking.
·       Troubles come on during sleep, and patient wakes in distress or pain ; cough, asthma or spasm.
·       On waking - vertigo ; dry, hacking cough ; all symptoms worse.
·       Sore throat and great difficulty in swallowing
·       pulse 120, quick and small ; throat sore to touch externally
Give such individuals homeopathic remedy – Lachesis and they will feel relieved. No need to take them asylums or sanatoria.


A few symptoms of such individuals are:
·       Trembling of limbs violent, Laughing
·       Hot cheeks, Blood rushing to face
·       Speech - stammering; difficult and unintelligible; indistinct; has to exert himself a
Give such individuals homeopathic remedy – Stramonium and they will feel relieved.


A few symptoms of such individuals are:
·       Great mental and bodily weakness
·       Falling off of hair; baldness, especially on crown
·       As if mind is absent
·       Imagines he walks on his knees
·       Talkative mania
·       Inclined to make fruitless exertions of memory ; tries to recollect past events
·       Averse to strangers and company
·       Childish and thoughtless behavior
·       Cataract
·       Ulceration of cornea
·       Lids agglutinated
·       Buzzing and ringing in ears
·       Roaring in right ear like the sea, at each inspiration
·       Knotty swellings behind ears
·       Toothache is worse when thinking about it and disappears when mind is diverted.
When such individuals are treated with Baryta Carbonicum the results are miraculous. These individuals are completely restored to normalcy.


A few symptoms of such individuals are:
·       Indifferent to the loved ones; Aversion to occupation, to family, friends etc.
·       Very Irritable; easily offended, Dreads to be alone
·       Very sad, Weeps when telling his condition. Miserly, Anxious toward evening; indolent and lazy
·       Heavy flow of ideas ; inability for mental activity ; it is an exertion to think
·       Felt all day as if he did not care what happened ; no desire to work, inattentive, absent-minded
·       Language comes very slowly, has to drag out the words to express ideas ; forget the
·       Dread of being alone
·       Migraine after catching least cold
·       Redness of eyelids, with styes
·       Toothache- drawing in upper molars
·       All teeth painful, particularly in hollow molar,
When such individuals are treated with Sepia Officinale, their personality becomes very assimilative.


A few symptoms of such individuals are:
·       Mood is Changeable; it changes all of a sudden like a hysteria;
·       After shocks, grief, disappointment they become introspective; silently brooding, tearful, Not communicative, Sighing and sobbing.
·       Feels hollow, heavy; worse on stooping; Headache as if a nail were driven out through the side; Cramp-like pain over root of nose; Congestive headaches following anger or grief; worse, smoking or smelling tobacco, inclines head forward.
·       very weak ; staggering walk ; walks carefully ; increased stool and urine
·       Difficult comprehension ; mental dulness ; mental effort is irksome
·       Desire to be alone
·       Inclined to be very secretive and passive
·       Constipation
·       sensitive mood, delicate conscientiousness
·       Slight blame or contradiction excites him to anger, and this makes him angry with himself
·       tingling as of ants ; jerking ; heaviness of right arm, which had been paralyzed
·       Pains come on about 9 A. M., generally stopping at 2 P. M.
·       Face distorted, deathly pale and sunken
·       Jaws feel as if crushed
·       Sour taste in mouth ; with sour eructations ; saliva tastes sour
To such individuals give a few doses of Ignatia and just see the sea changes in the personality.


These are only a few illustrations. There is nothing in the so-called old ages which can be a hindrance in living a normal life and that too apace the society. The only requirement is to loosen the limitation of our awareness and live rhythmically with nature. Homeopathy helps you.


It is an injustice to typify our seniors (senior citizens) and segregate them as untouchables. Homeopathy is a way out. It helps those seniors to restore to those physical, mental and emotional planes which they explored in their energetic eras.


Friday, December 20, 2013



  • Sycosis is established after a suppressed gonorrhea, when the acute infection is driven in upon the vital energy by external methods of suppression, and it then becomes a systematic stigma
  • The Sycotic patient is exceedingly suspicious. The suspicion extends to the point where he dare not trust himself and he must go back and repeat what he has done or said, and wonders if he goes back and starts again.
  • He is suspicious that he will be misunderstood, that his hearers will give the wrong meaning to what he is attempting to convey.
  • The Sycotic patient is cross and irritable; he is absent minded in certain things, and finds difficulty in getting the right word
  • He forgets recent happenings, but remembers distant events very clearly.
  • The headache in the vertex is Sycotic in its origin; or there may be frontal headache. These are better by lying down and at night, especially worse after midnight.
  • This patient is restless and wants to be kept in motion, which ameliorates.
  • The hair falls out in circular spots; the hair of the beard falls. The Sycotic scalp perspires, but there are not the moist, matting eruptions of syphilis.
  • Children with "snuffles" are usually syphilitic or Sycotic; the Sycotic stigma has moist snuffles, but without ulcerations or crusts; the discharge is purulent, scanty, with the odor of fishbrine.
  • There is often nasal stoppage due to thickening of the membranes and to enlargement of the turbinated bones.
  • Hay fever conditions, which are exceedingly difficult of cure under ordinary treatment, are more easily understood when we remember that they are an expression of syphilis and latent Sycosis, very often with a Psoric taint.
  • Meats arouse the latent sycosis as in psora. The sycotic patient should take meat sparingly, and it is better for him to use more freely of nuts, beans or cheese. Gouty conditions cannot digest meats.
  • He is usually better by eating any food, and better by lying on the stomach or by pressure.
  • The diabetic patient is usually strongly tubercular, but if there is a sycotic taint as well, the condition becomes much more malignant.
  • In acquired sycotic conditions represented by prostatic gland troubles there is a combination of all three stigmata.
  • Pelvic inflammations such as inflammation of the ovaries, inflammatory diseases of the female pelvis may be traced to this taint.

  • Appendicitis is directly traceable to sycotic influences.
  • Stomach is swollen, distended called Ascites, Anasarca
  • There are tearing pains in the joints, which are < during rest, < during cold damp weather, > moving or stretching, > dry weather.
  • The Sycotic skin manifestations tend toward overgrowth or extra deposits. The nails are ribbed or ridged and thick and heavy. Moles, warts, wine-coloured patches and other manifestations of unnaturally thickened skin belong in this classification.
  • Psoriasis is a combination of the three stigmata, with sycosis and psora predominating
  • Barber's itch readily develops in sycotic patients, while it rarely develops unless there is a sycotic taint.


  • When suppressed, the syphilitic stigma spends itself on the meninges of the brain, and affects the larynx and throat in general, the eyes, the bones and the periosteum.
  • Psora spends its action very largely upon the nervous system and the nerve centers, producing functional disturbances, which are > by surface manifestations.
  • Sycosis attacks the internal organs, especially the pelvic and sexual organs. In this stigma we find the worst forms of inflammation, infiltration of the tissues causing abscesses, hypertrophies, cystic degeneration; when thrown back into the system by suppression this stigma causes dishonesty, moral degeneracy and mania.



Sunday, December 8, 2013

A case of Thuja - BRB

BRB: A case of Thuja

with courtesy from
Age 41 yrs



On 70.12.13 He reported

·       A Mild throbbing which started in May, June, July 2013 in right side semi lateral temporal region;
·       Twitching of eyes with a feeling of being shrouded in a dark cloud;
·       MRI at that time showed nothing noticeable
·       Later he started a pain in the inner aspect of elbow joint which doctors diagnosed as Golfer Elbow
·       His Uric Acid was also diagnosed as to have been increased;
·       Urine was of light pale colour with no odour
·       He was unable to eat red chillies which caused inflammation in oesophagous, urethra and anus; this inflammation could be washed only by drinking a lot of water
·       Has a problem with thyroid with TSH 9.7 in Aug. 13
·       To ameliorate all these problems he started to have walks which improved the things upto a great extent
·       Doctors were keeping him on Topamac 25; Petril Beta 10 and Thyronorm 62.5
In reply to questions put by me he told:


·       He reported about him as being sensitive, concerned with the future of his own children
·       Religious
·       Keeps reading religious books in free time


  • He has a continuous uncomfortable feeling in right semi-lateral temporal region, a dull pain with continuity
  • But his pain was asymmetric; it was only on one side and that too on right;
  • No noticeable cause or time of aggravation or amelioration was known


·       He usually drinks 6-8 glasses of water daily; 2 on waking and 2 at night
·       Water was taken at normal temperature; no preference for cold water; although in winter he may have Luke warm water
·       He does not have any craving for any food though he is a strict vegetarian
·       He takes normal diet, as guided by the specialists


·       He is a bit constipative, for a motion he needs two glasses of water on waking
·       It takes about 15-20 minutes in completing the evacuation process.
·       Stool is sticky, dark pale and without any specific odour


·       He has to pass it repeatedly and frequently; because of this problem he cannot travel by bus as he cannot retain it in that duration
·       No diabetic complaints
·       Urine is of light pale colour and without odour


·       Highly disturbed
·       On beds keeps lying for late engrossed with the thoughts of the day
·       With some sleeping pills now has a sleep for about 7-8 hrs and without pills it would reduce to 5-6 hrs
·       He has abundance of dreams; all related to the past;
o   Past characters appear in dreams in quite new avatar



·       Red, itching excoriations in thighs and scrotum
o   This is most aggravated in rainy season and after a long walking
·       Small warts on neck, both sides
·       Small eruption on cheeks, whithout any height from the cheek level,
o   Primarily it appears as if after ant-bites; diameter about 0.5 mm
o   Picture is attached
·       For last several months he has a feeling of prickling in body skin; it happens intermittently;
·       This prickling is aggravated by heat of the bed


·       He is uncomfortable in warmth and hot climate
·       He has a desire for cold air
·       Although the AC room causes his nose being stuffed

On 08.12.13 he is given

Thuja 30
3Times a day for 3 Days
            2 Times a day for 10 days

Monday, November 25, 2013


A heart attack is never ‘All of a Sudden’. This is a whole process which finally culminates into an attack. Prior to this happening your heart sends you a number of signs which clearly show that an attack is now imminent. 

Your body may be exhausted and in a need of a rest. A simple rest and refreshment may overcome this feeling.

Sweating as a result of exercise is quite normal. But if you are not exercising and still have a lot of sweats then it is indicative of more efforts from your heart in sending blood to your body parts. Generally a heart has to undertake more in sending blood to the body cells through the blocked arteries.

Before a heart attack people have been observed as facing problems of indigestion, heartburning and other gastrointestinal troubles.


Friday, October 18, 2013

Back from Death-Bed

This case was sent to me by one of my colleagues. The doctors in Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital, Mayur Vihar have returned him without further hope. He went to a particular private hospital. Doctors there, administered steroids to the patient but the unfortunate patient did not respond even to them. His stomach was extremely distended and swollen (Ascites). He could not take even the smallest amount of food. The doctors put him on substituted nutritive method. To add more to the problems he started having attacks of intermittent fever. Every time he felt a lump in his right upper stomach. Two days back he had faced respiratory attack and needed oxygen supply to survive. The doctors asked his family to go for liver transplantation.
Tests were conducted on the patient and his wife. The environment was sad and hopeless. One of his relatives told despaired family about Homeopathic Hopes. One of his cousins approached me. Due to some pre-engagements I could not go and requested one of my colleagues to go and interview the patients.

The complete article is at:

Dreams and Homeopathy

Dreams :

    1. Dreams of Fortune
    2. Dreams which exhaust
    3. Dreams of emotion
    4. Dreams of anxiety (nightmare)
    5. Dreams of different ages

I. Dreams of Fortune

Here the prominent remedies are : Sulphur, Anhalonium and Opium. It may be considered superfluous to think of influencing these charming occupations of the night, but in some instances these symptoms may become so overwhelming that they must be looked upon as pathological. The homœopathic treatment of the two prominent dreams of fortune reduces the magnified symptoms to the normal level. The well known figure of the Sulphur Patient appeals to us first. We meet here the dilapidated, untidy philosopher, in whom vision takes the place of reality, whose rags he considers the finest raiments, and to whom real life is stranger. Of course, we do not want to rob him of his pleasant dreams, but when they, in connection with other somatic symptoms demand Sulphur, then we must not remain inactive, especially if these patients become the worry of their families and a menace to society.

The Complete article is at

Comparative Study of Remedies

The object of this paper is to fix in our minds the great value of this remedy in its application to disease, and to fasten upon our memories similar remedies.
rgentum nitricum is an ancient remedy in the "Old Schools". The sticks of lunar caustic were called "lapis infernalis", which Hering speaks of as a prophetic name indicating the horrible abuse of it in our age. It is an irritant poisoning, causing violent inflammation and ulceration of the throat, stomach and mucous membranes generally. It is destructive to red blood corpuscles, causing general malnutrition; produces violent tetanic convulsions, followed by paralysis. Pains in all mucous membranes are sharp and splinter-like, and the discharge mucopurulent. 
The Argentum nit. patient is irrational; has all sorts of imaginations, illusions, and hallucinations, all of which areworse at nightextremely anxious, which put him in a hurry; he goes for a walk, and walks faster and faster; walks until he is fatigued. He fears he is going to have a fit or have a sickness. There is an inflowing of strange thoughts that in crossing a certain bridge or high place he might kill himself, or perhaps might jump off; or the actual impulse comes to jump off a high bridge into the water
Pulsatilla also had fear of high places, as has Nux vomica, although the temperaments are entirely different, the Pulsatilla being slow and phlegmatic, while the Nux vomica is irritable and impatient rather than hurried. 

The complete article is at

Friday, May 17, 2013



 What a person says is important, but homoeopathically or otherwise, how a person says a particular thing is more important. People tend to add their inner essence to anything that they say or do. This then becomes the passage to the inner self. Some tend to express anything and everything with the drabness of a weather forecast. And some express arrival of tea with an enthusiasm of a child. Some rubrics that define this enthusiasm are……..
— is doing something with lot of emotion. Enthusiasm that comes from lot of emotion is passion.
-- Expression that is characterized by warmth of a feeling. You express something that you believe in with warmth and tenderness. There is a kind of "gentleness, and softness" attached to ardent. Devotion to anything could be ardent. While ardent is 'warm', it is 'heat' of passion.
—it is a synonym of ardent with a pinch of enthusiasm added to it. If you pray for something then it is a fervent prayer.
—is enthusiastic. A zealous person radiates enthusiasm in anything and everything that the person does or says.
—it is a wildly passionate belief, wherein one is not amenable to reason. It could be irrational passion for anything.
 When we search for the rubric passionate in the repertory, it comes with a synonym in brackets and that is "choleric". That gives us a chance to also understand 'choleric' temperament here. Old medical school defines 4 types of 'temperaments' based on the concept of 'humorism' and they are, 'sanguine', 'choleric', 'melancholic', and 'phlegmatic'. More about temperaments some time later, this time only about 'choleric'.
'Choleric' temperaments are fundamentally ambitious and leader-like. They instill enthusiasm and energy in others. They are usually task oriented and focus on getting things done.
 The remedies for ardent and fervent are much the same, to mention a few,….CARC, CAUST, LACH, MED, MERC, PLAT, STRAM, ALUM, APIS, AUR-M-N, CHIN, NUX-V, PHOS, STANN, SULPH.
 Passionate also has similar remedies with a few additions like ANAC, KALI-C, PSOR, THUJA etc.
 Fanaticism which is more strong has CAUST and VERAT in bold ANAC, THUJA, CUPR as marked, with many others like sulph, aur-met, bell, con, lach, kali-c, merc, nux-v, puls, rob, sel and valer.

Dr. Swati Marathe