This case was sent to me by one of my colleagues. The doctors in Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital, Mayur Vihar have returned him without further hope. He went to a particular private hospital. Doctors there, administered steroids to the patient but the unfortunate patient did not respond even to them. His stomach was extremely distended and swollen (Ascites). He could not take even the smallest amount of food. The doctors put him on substituted nutritive method. To add more to the problems he started having attacks of intermittent fever. Every time he felt a lump in his right upper stomach. Two days back he had faced respiratory attack and needed oxygen supply to survive. The doctors asked his family to go for liver transplantation.
Tests were conducted on the patient and his wife. The environment was sad and hopeless. One of his relatives told despaired family about Homeopathic Hopes. One of his cousins approached me. Due to some pre-engagements I could not go and requested one of my colleagues to go and interview the patients.
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