Friday, October 18, 2013

Back from Death-Bed

This case was sent to me by one of my colleagues. The doctors in Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital, Mayur Vihar have returned him without further hope. He went to a particular private hospital. Doctors there, administered steroids to the patient but the unfortunate patient did not respond even to them. His stomach was extremely distended and swollen (Ascites). He could not take even the smallest amount of food. The doctors put him on substituted nutritive method. To add more to the problems he started having attacks of intermittent fever. Every time he felt a lump in his right upper stomach. Two days back he had faced respiratory attack and needed oxygen supply to survive. The doctors asked his family to go for liver transplantation.
Tests were conducted on the patient and his wife. The environment was sad and hopeless. One of his relatives told despaired family about Homeopathic Hopes. One of his cousins approached me. Due to some pre-engagements I could not go and requested one of my colleagues to go and interview the patients.

The complete article is at:

Dreams and Homeopathy

Dreams :

    1. Dreams of Fortune
    2. Dreams which exhaust
    3. Dreams of emotion
    4. Dreams of anxiety (nightmare)
    5. Dreams of different ages

I. Dreams of Fortune

Here the prominent remedies are : Sulphur, Anhalonium and Opium. It may be considered superfluous to think of influencing these charming occupations of the night, but in some instances these symptoms may become so overwhelming that they must be looked upon as pathological. The homœopathic treatment of the two prominent dreams of fortune reduces the magnified symptoms to the normal level. The well known figure of the Sulphur Patient appeals to us first. We meet here the dilapidated, untidy philosopher, in whom vision takes the place of reality, whose rags he considers the finest raiments, and to whom real life is stranger. Of course, we do not want to rob him of his pleasant dreams, but when they, in connection with other somatic symptoms demand Sulphur, then we must not remain inactive, especially if these patients become the worry of their families and a menace to society.

The Complete article is at

Comparative Study of Remedies

The object of this paper is to fix in our minds the great value of this remedy in its application to disease, and to fasten upon our memories similar remedies.
rgentum nitricum is an ancient remedy in the "Old Schools". The sticks of lunar caustic were called "lapis infernalis", which Hering speaks of as a prophetic name indicating the horrible abuse of it in our age. It is an irritant poisoning, causing violent inflammation and ulceration of the throat, stomach and mucous membranes generally. It is destructive to red blood corpuscles, causing general malnutrition; produces violent tetanic convulsions, followed by paralysis. Pains in all mucous membranes are sharp and splinter-like, and the discharge mucopurulent. 
The Argentum nit. patient is irrational; has all sorts of imaginations, illusions, and hallucinations, all of which areworse at nightextremely anxious, which put him in a hurry; he goes for a walk, and walks faster and faster; walks until he is fatigued. He fears he is going to have a fit or have a sickness. There is an inflowing of strange thoughts that in crossing a certain bridge or high place he might kill himself, or perhaps might jump off; or the actual impulse comes to jump off a high bridge into the water
Pulsatilla also had fear of high places, as has Nux vomica, although the temperaments are entirely different, the Pulsatilla being slow and phlegmatic, while the Nux vomica is irritable and impatient rather than hurried. 

The complete article is at